

Twin Buffer

The latest evolution of accumulation systems

Innovative accumulation system particularly suitable for shaped, very light or unstable products. Thanks to its operating concept, where containers never come into contact with each other, it reduces the noise and eliminates scuffing and possible crushing.


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Products for your production line

For over 30 years, we at Europool have been involved in engineering and automation projects for bottling and packaging plants.

In addition to a strong know-how in terms of advice, our products and solutions adapt to every customer need

Our numbers

Important results of our success

Important results that represents the success not only ours and the whole team, but also of the satisfaction of our customers that year after year gratify us with their trust.

+ 1000
+ 8000
+ 120
Relocations and revamping
+ 100

Europool in the

Our best agents at customer service


Case Studies

Case Studies

sfondo sfondo green thinking

Europool è
Green Thinking


800 Megawatt



Disposable cups

Our commitment to reduce cosumption


Dispenser Acqualys

Clean water in Europool


Green Space

Europool realised a green relax space

Evaulated by logo ecovadis

Take a look at the latest news of Europool

Follow the update about new catalogues, exhibitions, in-depth articles and interviews

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2024: some numbers of our year

Some numbers of our 2024.

Thank to everyone, our commitment to keep growing and consolidating is stronger than ever.


Europool Games - Winter season

Europool Games brought our team together for a special opportunity to step away from the work routine and enjoy a moment of pure conviviality.


Look who's here... our Twin Buffer!

Drincktec has chosen a photo of our booth from the last edition to promote Drinktec 2025!


BrauBeviale 2024

We will be attending BrauBeviale in Nuremberg from November 26 to 28, 2024.

HALL 7A / Stand 525 



Simei 2024

Let's meet at SIMEI!

Pad. 4 - Stand F22 G29.

Gulfood Dubai 2024

Gulfood Dubai 2024

5-7 November 2024, Dubai World Trade Centre.

pack expo card

PackExpo Chicago 2024

Europool lands in Chicago for PackExpo 2024!

europool beach

Europool Games 3

Third edition of Europool Games 3. 

A beach volleyball and padel challenges, but also spritz and sandwiches, to strengthen teamwork

rettangolo rettangolo
Contact us

Do you want to improve the efficiency and quality of your production line?

Tell us your idea, your needs or your issue. Our Sales Engineers will analyze your needs to offer you the best solution.


Check out our open positions

All the opportunities available in this moment. 

If you find nothing of interest, please send your curriculum vitae to risorse.umane@europool.biz

Work with us

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