Accumulation systems

Accumulation systems

To improve the production lines efficiency, we studied and patented several accumulation systems, which allow to optimize the flow of products within the line. 


According to the space requirements, production times and the size of the containers to be handled, we offer our engineering consulting to propose the optimal solution to our customers.  



Europool Accumulation Tables


Twin Buffer

Discover Twin Buffer, Europool's accumulation system for shaped or unstable products, to improve the efficiency and reduce noise and scuffing.


Discover Aculine, Europool accumulation system ideal for shaped bottles which improves productivity in the industrial sector.


Discover Acumass, Europool's high-efficiency accumulation system suitable for cylindrical bottles
Big buffer

Big Buffer

Discover Big Buffer, Europool's high-capacity accumulation system to improve productivity in the industrial sector.
Accumulation systems

Fields of Application

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Do you want to improve the efficiency and quality of your production line?

Tell us your idea, your needs or your issue. Our Sales Engineers will analyze your needs to offer you the best solution.


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